AP Art Studio Syllabus
Ms. Ottum
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too HIGH and falling SHORT; but in setting our aim too LOW and ACHIEVING our MARK. ~Michelangelo
AP Art Studio is an intensive class that explores advanced concepts in drawing, 2D design and 3D design. In this class you are going to create a portfolio that will be submitted to the College Board for evaluation at the end of the year. The portfolio is broken into three areas: quality, concentration and breadth. During the first month of school we will look at previous student’s work in each of these area and discuss the expectations of the College Board. During this time we will review the AP Studio Art Poster.
- Develop a mastery in concept, composition and execution of ideas
- Explore a depth of media and subject matter
- Demonstrate understanding of the principles and elements of art
- Critically analyze work through individual and group critiques
- Consistently push and challenge yourself artistically
- Complete all work beyond the best of your abilities
- Get all work completed and presented on time. Plan to spend 5 – 10 hours on homework each week.
- Engage in classroom discussions, activities, and critiques
- Attend class and be on time
- Complete the AP portfolio:
- Drawing: 12 Breadth, 12 Concentrations, 5 Quality (best pieces from Breadth & Concentration)
- 2D: 12 Breadth, 12 Concentrations, 5 Quality (best pieces from Breadth & Concentration)
- 3D: 8 Breadth, 12 images for Concentration, 5 Quality (best pieces from Breadth & Concentration)
- you CANNOT use the same pieces for breadth & concentration
During the 1st month of the school year we will discuss copyright laws and what constitutes plagiarism. Students will understand the importance of artistic integrity and understand the difference between using the work of others as inspiration or reference and copying. Students will not work from published photographs or other copyrighted work. Your work must be your own and not replicas or cutouts from other artists.
Critiques are an important part of the course. Students will gather during all major due dates to show their work and discuss the intent/goals of the work. The class will provide constructive feedback for their peers both orally and in writing. During group critiques I will provide some feedback. Students will meet with me individually several times to discuss their work. Students can sign up for additional individual critique time before school on blue days, during tutorial and, starting in November, after school on Tuesdays.
Grades will be based on portfolio reviews per semester.
- Portfolio Review 1: Due October 11th (7th) or October 12 (8th)
- Portfolio Review 2: Due November17th (7th) or November 18th (8th)
- Final Portfolio: Due January 26th (7th) or January 27th (8th)
Projects will be posted in synergy as "not for grade" with a score of 1-5. The score correlates with what I believe the student would earn on the exam for that piece. Students will select their best pieces to submit as part of their portfolio reviews. Portfolio Review grades will be based on the average scores for the projects turned in. It is normal for students to earn 1 and/or 2 marks in the beginning as they adjust to the AP standard. As they grow their scores will improve. The most common grade at the 6 week mark is a C because there is not enough time for the students to revise their work to earn higher scores. Grades usually improve at the 12 week and semester marking periods. In most cases 0=F, 1=D, 2=C, 3=C/B 4=B/A, 5=A. There is a lot of grey area in the 3/4 scoring areas. I give students the benefit of the higher mark when I am not sure which way College Board will lean.
Portfolio Competition - Must complete the portfolio to be eligible for passing 2nd semester.
You cannot pass AP Art Studio third trimester unless the portfolio is complete.
A completed portfolio includes: 12 breadth, 12 concentrations & 5 quality pieces.
Out of Class Assignments – Some Breadth and ALL Concentrations
In Class Assignments - Breadth and Art Show prep
Late Work
I do not grade late work. You can petition to have your grade changed based on your national exam score if you would like to improve your score in the class.
There is a $40.00 course fee due the 1st week of school. This is to help offset the expense of art supplies. The fee for the AP exam is around $84.00. If the expense is preventing you from taking the exam please come see me. Last year Oregon supplemented student exam fees. If you are free/reduced lunch you can also qualify for reduced exam fees. DO NOT allow money to be a barrier.
Studio Time
There will be dinner in the art room 1-2 times per semester. 2:30 - 7:00PM. Come make art and eat dinner. Starting in November the art room will be open until 4:00 on Tuesdays.
AP ART SHOW: This is a graded and mandatory art show. You must participate in hanging, setting up, being present during the show and cleaning up. The art show is Tuesday, May 30th. Students will be in the art room starting at 2:40 to hang the show. The show is open to the public, your family and your friends from 6-8pm. You will be interviewed by professionals working in the field. This fulfills the EA requirement for graduation.
OREGON COLLEGE OF ART AND CRAFT JURIED HS SHOW: Your work will be juried to earn entrance into the OCAC Juried High School Show. This is a show that is suppose to represent some of the best work being created at our local high schools. Work that is selected will hang at the OCAC Hoffman Gallery and there are prizes given out to Best in Show, 1st place, 2nd place and best group. AHS students have received awards for the past 3 years.
SCHOLASTIC ART AWARDS: You will be submitting work to the Scholastic Art Awards in January. This is a nationwide art competition and all participants will have their artwork displayed at PNCA. The art department will cover the cost for one of your pieces to be submitted. If you would like to submit additional pieces the cost is $2.50-$5.00 per piece. Seniors can submit two portfolios. The cost to submit portfolios is $10.00 - $20.00. This is an exciting opportunity. You should start planning now on pieces to submit and save some money to submit more than the single mandatory piece.
HERZOG-MEIER: All Seniors will be submitting work to the Herzog art competition in the spring. This does not cost and someone at AHS will receive a $500.00 scholarship.
The AP Blog is an important resource for students. I use the posts to communicate important information; post examples of student work and show inspirational professional artwork. The blog also has links to all current and past assignments. These links will give assignment descriptions, show examples of student work and list due dates. Each student in the class has a link to their Bulb Portfolio where they will post their classwork.
- http://ahsapstudioart.blogspot.com/
Do a series of paintings based on the history of any culture
Do works showing risk in our lives
Do a super realism series using your childhood toys
Do a series of location paintings showing the existence of man
Create a series of nonobjective drawings in ink and on scratchboard
Select two objects, one organic and one inorganic, and do a series of drawings
Explore the relationship between science and art
Depict your own existence through the eyes of a child
Design and paint the covers for one year of any magazine
Write and illustrate in collage a children’s book
Do a series of works based on the lonely figures in our society
Create a series of works depicting social injustice
Do a series of works based on the lifestyle of the homeless
Do a series of expressive drawings incorporating layered images of words
Create and illustrate an alphabet book of phobias.
Paint your family as royalty
Draw a series on nontraditional surfaces
Paint your reaction to circumstances that affect your world
Do a photographic series of humans in different natural settings
Show your personal changing image as based on the work of Ivan Albright
Do a series of natural landscapes, both micro and macroscopic
Create a photo essay that illustrates time passing
Create works reflecting environmental issues
Draw our reactions to natural disasters
Do a series of figures in motion/action settings
Show the stages of your life as seen through the art works of others
Do a series of paintings of figures, dealing with color transparencies
Develop corporate identities from logo to letterhead to web design
Design, render, and construct costumes for a specific performance
Create a series of fabric designs inspired by the South Seas Islands
Paint your reaction to circumstances that affect your world
Draw a series on nontraditional surfaces
Paint your family as royalty
Modernize the fairy tales of childhood
Represent youth of the 21st century through a series of still life photographs
Create a photo essay depicting the families of Aloha
Photograph the elements and principles of design in nature
Use Photoshop and Illustrator to create a calendar based on the elements and principles of design.
Design a series of graphics for a baby clothing company.
Design a series of posters that teach diversity and tolerance to today’s youth.
Create pottery vessels both handmade and wheel thrown
Build assemblages based on the works of Louise Nevelson
Build a series of wood constructions showing movement through space
Build kinetic sculptures based on Alexander Calder
Create a series of soft sculptures
Build found object figurative sculptures based on Marisol
Use foam core or cups to create a park landscape sculpture
Do a series of wheel works that are raku fired
Throw a set of dishes based on textures found along a rough coastline
Sculpt a series of naughty children
Design and illustrate pop up books
Design and construct educational toys
Create a series of artist’s books
Create masks for a movie production
Do a series of earth works in the style of Andrew Goldsworthy
Create a series of found object sculptures
Create a series of installations
Do a series of personality furniture
Do a series of wrappings based on the works of Christo
Do a series of sculptures with found objects that emphasize movement
Create a series of cardboard birds that illustrate flight.
National Art Honors Society
Photography Club
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