Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Final Grades

Final Grades will be based on TWO portfolio scores.

  • ONE: the work completed the last third of the semester:
    • GD: 3/6 of the options on the breadth page.
    • Photo: 3-4 of the options on the breadth page.
    • Traditional: Empathy, Sticky Note Portraits, Cubism
  • TWO: your progress on the AP Portfolio:
    • 9 pieces of breadth
    • 5 Concentrations (6 will be due the first day of 2nd semester)
You will ALL be submitting a minimum of 1 piece of art to the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Take time to go through the categories and see which area you would like to pursue. You can submit more.  The cost is:

2.50 per individual
10.00 per senior portfolio (seniors can submit two portfolios)

YOUR ENTIRE PORTFOLIO OF 24 PIECES MUST BE DONE BY THE SECOND WEEK IN APRIL.  YOU WILL ONLY HAVE 10 WEEKS (counting spring break) to finish.  You had 18 weeks, plus the summer to create the first 15 pieces.  Second semester is FAST & DIFFICULT.  Put yourself in the best position possible by finishing 1st semester strong!

Monday, October 17, 2016

2nd Progress Reports

  1. Concentration Deadlines
    • Concentration 1: October 24th & 25th
    • Concentration 2: November 14th & 15th 
    • Concentration 3: November 29th & 30th (not on progress reports)
  2. Breadth
    • Traditional:
      • Portraits using ball point pen and mixed media techniques
      • 1 more piece
      • Life Drawing (observational figure drawing)
    • Photography:
      • Studio Redux
      • Studio Portraits
      • Commentary
    • Graphic Design:
      • Identity Package - more involved
      • I AM.
      • Spread Kindness or Love
  3. Inspire the AHS Art Community: Present an Artist (Nov. 21st & 22nd)
    1. Google Slideshow
    2. 10 Slides of work
    3. 3-5 minute spoken synopsis of the artist
      1. Include what they do, why they do it
      2. Specifically describe 1-2 pieces of art
  4. Start preparing for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
For the 2nd Progress report you will turn in:
  1. 7 pieces of Breadth
  2. 2 Concentrations
  3. Presentation of artist that inspires you
    • Presentations will take place on Nov. 21st & 22nd

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Photo- You will need to pick your best four pieces next week to submit on Bulb for your portfolio.  Look at the page on the right to see examples of past 4/5 work. This is the quality of lighting, composition, creativity and artistic voice you will need to demonstrate to score at that level. I can meet with you during tutorial or class to look at your narrowed down selections.

Monday, October 3, 2016

What do I need for grades next week?

For Progress Reports:

  1. 4 pieces of Breadth
    • These can be from the summer projects or class work
  2. Shared Concentration Proposal
    • Write 1 paragraph explaining your concentration theme, the media you will use, what the inspiration is, how you imagine the theme growing and any resources you need to complete it.  Write in google docs and share the doc with me.
  3. Partially Completed Concentration 1
Work we have done so far:
  1. 3 summer pieces (Everyone)
  2. Ice Cream (Everyone)
  3. Poetry (Everyone)
  4. Inside a Corner OR Around a Corner (due Friday, Oct. 7th) (GD & Traditional Only)
  5. Studio Series (Photo Only)
Current Projects:
  1. Concentration proposal.
  2. Starting Concentration 1
  3. Traditional Breadth:
    1. Ball Point Pen Explorations
  4. Photo Breadth:
    1. Studio Series
    2. Selective Focus
  5. Graphic Design Breadth:
    1. Identity Package & Branding

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Help with concentration proposals.

Go to the portfolio type, concentration and then read the statements.


Monday, September 19, 2016

9/19 & 9/20


  1. Look at past concentrations.
  2. Go over poetry guidelines.
    1. Projects should be finished by the beginning of next week.
  3. Individual meetings with Ottum to go over sketchbook designs for new OOCA and concentration ideas.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

9/15 & 9/16


  1. Ice Cream Critiques
    • Look at your composition.  Where does your eye go first?  Was this intentional?
    • What type of balance did you use? How engaging and interesting is your composition?
    • Where did you create strong contrast?
    • Analyze your craftsmanship.  What is strong? Are there weaknesses?
    • How original do you think your image is?
    • On a scale of 1-5, 1 being extremely, how proud of your work are you?
  2. New out of class assignment
    • Brainstorm a list of things that create a sensation of feeling overwhelmed. When do you feel stuck in a corner?
      • What words come to mind? What imagery?
    • When people feel hopeful or excited for the future?
      • What words come to mind? What imagery?
    • What are some things that cause anxiety for the future?
      • What words come to mind? What imagery?
  3. Concentrations
    1. Look at list on syllabus
    2. Journal ideas this weekend:
      • Make a list of things you love to do / things that interest you.
      • Make a list of causes you are passionate about.
      • Make a list of objects you think are engaging or interesting.
      • Make a list of ways you can spread positive thoughts, love or encouragement in the world.
      • Make a list of artists you admire or styles of art you enjoy creating.
      • What do you want your personal voice to be? What do you want to say with your artwork?
    3. Look at more past student examples
  4. Portfolio 1 requirements.
    • Due: October 11th & 12th - late portfolios will not be graded
    • 9 class periods from today
    • 6 pieces of art will be due.  One concentration and 4 breadth.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Ice Cream project due on Thursday for Gold Day and Friday for Blue Day.

Poetry should be completely written in sharpie for traditional due EOP.

  • Start thinking about imagery that goes with your poem

Start brainstorming concentration themes in your journal/sketchbook.

Friday, September 9, 2016


Exam Date: Thursday, April 27th

  • pre-arranged absence for the entire day for uploading and packaging the portfolio

AP Art Show: Tuesday, May 30th

  • 2:30 - 5:00 set up
  • 5:00 - 5:30 dinner
  • 5:30 - 6:00 change clothes / brush teeth
  • 6:00 - 8:00 interviews / family, friends & the community
  • 8:00 - 8:45 clean up


If you design fashion here is a competition you might want to enter in:


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Day 1

You will need to take home and complete the following for the second day of class:

  1. Brainstorm sheet for first out of class assignment.
  2. Come to class with a poem that is written by one of the following:
    • Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Frost, Maya Angelo, Pablo Neruda, Sylvia Plath, Alice Walker
    • The poem should "speak" to you
You will also be taking home the fee sheet.  This needs to be returned as soon as possible.

National Art Honor Society Applications are Due September 14th.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Welcome AP 2016/17!

Even though this school year is not over I am already getting excited about next year.  I can hardly wait to see your amazing creations the first week of September.

A couple quick reminders:
  1. Send me your Bulb URL ASAP!  To see if you already have (and there wasn't a problem) find your name under "student pages" on the right side of the AHS AP blog.
  2. Pick up your supplies (if you need it)!!!
  3. Check out a camera (if you need one)!!!
I am usually fairly quick with email.  During the summer you might experience a few day delay, but I will check it regularly.

Good Luck and Get Focused!